Year 6-7 Transition Application Update – 2024

By now guardians of perspective Year 7 students for 2024 have given their Secondary School preference list to their primary schools. This information has been passed to the Secondary Schools and is under review.

From the 20th of July onwards, accepted Year 7 students for 2024 will begin to receive their welcome letters. Students that have not been accepted will then have the opportunity to appeal. Please refer to the Department of Educations Year 6 to 7 Placement Information Pack for detailed information.

From 21st of August, accepted families will begin to receive orientation and transition information, including enrolment documents. Keep an eye on your email!

High Achievers Program – HAP

The HAP program focuses on maximising opportunities for academically talented students to excel by placing them in separate HAP classes for English and mathematics at Year 7, then expanding in Year 8 and beyond. The curriculum is delivered at a faster pace and more sophisticated level so that students can move ahead to work beyond their year level; and providing access to appropriate extension activities.

We are pleased to announce that applications for Year 7 2024 HAP will open at the commencement of Term 3 2023:  Monday 10th July.  The application process is as follows:

  • Students will be required to complete an application form via our school website, which must include a written reference from their Year 6 teacher, Year 5 NAPLAN results, and their Year 6 semester one report.  Applications must be submitted by Thursday 10th August 2023.  Please go onto our website from Monday 10th July to access this application form:
  • Following this, shortlisted students will be asked to undertake a literacy and numeracy test onsite at KWRSC, during school time, during August/early September.  Date to be confirmed.
  • Students will be offered a position in the HAP English or mathematics class (or both) following the results of this test. This position is provisional until testing of the entire cohort is undertaken during Term 4
  • We endeavour to offer places in HAP by the end of Term 3 for the next years intake.

For more information, please contact Nicola Power – Excellence Program Leader at:

Year 8 SEAL

Over the last few weeks, the 801 SEAL students have been working on developing some persuasive infomercials about a selected product in English. The final products were presented at the 801’s Infomercial Academy Award Ceremony. The students dressed up in some fancy, award ceremony worthy outfits and enjoyed some popcorn while we watched all of the incredible informercials! The winners of the people’s choice awards are Zaali, Aleisha, and Aleria.

Written by Sophie Jackson 801

Our Year 8 students dissected kidneys to investigate their structure and the function of each part.

Year 9 Sculpture Class

Over the last few weeks our Year 9 Sculpture class have been working on turning ‘Trash into Treasure’ with recycled materials to create Steampunk Robots!

The construction of the robots consisted of bottle caps, corks, screws, coils, cogs, keys, broken jewellery, buttons, and apply 3 coats of paint to create a rusty metal effect.

They were required to collaborate in teams of 2-3 students, to complete this project.

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