School Wide Behaviour Framework
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The academic, emotional, and physical wellbeing of all students is our priority. To achieve this, we provide a caring and disciplined environment, which emphasises the wellbeing of all students.
Our School Wide Behaviour framework underpins the work of our Learning Communities and our expectation on upholding our college values. This framework is articulated in a positive manner and is reflective of current best practice.
Additionally our Pastoral care Program 7 to 9 focuses on respectful relationships and the Resilience Program teachings to support our students in their daily life both in and outside of the college.
At KWRSC our classroom management plan is a holistic student focused process which includes:
- A belief that engagement in learning and the promotion of wellbeing of all students leads to improved social behaviour and outcomes for students
- Our actions are underpinned by our Mission and our Vision and Values
- The Resilience Program and Respectful Relationships underpin approach to wellbeing, resilience and social-emotional development taught with in our Pastoral program
- Therapeutic approaches, Trauma informed practices and understanding generation poverty will be key focus moving forward for staff to understand these themes reflect on practice and implement within the classroom
- Restorative Practice we use to respond to evident concerns to build healthy communities, increase social capital, decrease antisocial behaviour, repair harm, and restore relationships
- Rules that support the students’ understanding of appropriate behaviours. We focus on positive feedback that students receive for following the rules and in some circumstances when students choose not to follow these, we have a classroom management structure to support the individual foci for the student’s development
- Clearly defined processes around daily operations and management of administrational aspects within the classroom specific to year level requirements
- Inclusion program to support differentiation for all students and support our PSD students
- Wellbeing team and plan looking at and responding to the current needs within the school
Learning behaviours, positive mindset and emotions can be taught reinforced and set by strength in our KWRSC culture and ensuring they are consistency positively reinforced.